Dear Fellow Lions
I greet you with my best wishes for the Lionistic year 2024-2025. As we embark on this exciting year, I am delighted that I am serving with a team of Lions who are steadfast in their commitment to make a difference in the lives of the vulnerable among us. This year, let us continue to do our best to Ignite the “flames of service” with added enthusiasm, vigor and responsiveness. We have many needs to meet; many lives to change. We bring the hands and the heart to help make someone life better.
As we proceed, this Lionistic year, always bear in mind the two themes that will guide our journey; “Ignite The Flames of Service” and “Do Your Part. Serve from the Heart”. Whatever you do, do it with the passion and commitment to serve those who are less fortunate than us. Above all, serve like you have never done before. Bring that burst of energy with each act of kindness.
Blessings, Peace, Love